CAS Card Collab Giveaway Winner

Hey everyone! It’s time to announce the winner of the 15$ GC to! The giveaway was part of a collaboration I had on YouTube, if you are interested you can watch the video here!

As per giveaway rules, the winner was selected randomly among comments left on all the stops in the hop. And the winner is…Ellen Markham from Marine’s video!

 To claim your prize, please email me at by December 4th. (I am extending the deadline cause I was one day late in announcig the prize)
If you didn’t win, don’t be sad! I will have more giveaways in the future! You can subscribe to my newsletter to be notified!
Also, if you are still on the lookout for some crafty deals, make sure to check this page – I update it with the most recent sales! 
Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Thanks for Sharing Your Thoughts! :)